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String & Bow Programs

Baby Jams

Baby Jams is a fun and engaging music class for babies aged from 0-18 months. This unique program has been carefully designed to introduce music concepts such as rhythm, pitch, dynamics and notation, through interactive activities, including a range of instruments that young bubs will love using.


Varied music genres will be covered, including some fave tunes for the adults! Parents and carers will also have the opportunity to learn a simple, beginner level ukulele chord so the baby jam session can continue at home. 


With small class sizes, Baby Jams will be sure to not only give your little one the best possible start to their musical journey, but will be full of laughs and fun along the way. 



Little Jams

Little Jams 


Little Jams is the perfect class for children who love music and movement, and parents and carers who want to start laying solid foundations for their little one's music journey. The age range (0-5yrs) makes it a great option for families with siblings. 


A wide range of instruments are available for the little ones to engage with during fun, interactive and open-ended activities that cater for all ages. Music concepts such as rhythm, tempo, dynamics, pitch and notation are covered throughout this program. 


We have ukulele and violin performances for the children to enjoy, and we teach a very basic ukulele chord so that the music and fun can continue after class if you own an instrument. We will sing, play, and dance along to some favourite nursery rhymes and other genres of music, including some modern tunes!




Term 1:  No Current Classes

30 Minute Classes

Little Jams 

Baby Jams 



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